Zdenko Domancic: During the 30 years of practice, I have helped over a million people. Groups come from Hong Kong, India, Australia, Israel and Poland... I have guests from all over the world. After so many years of treating people, the results are irrelevant to me, because I am certain about effectiveness. I expect them. I know what to do and I do my best that the level of the results would remain high or grow even higher. I do not have a particular talent. It is about perception with which I approach the laws of nature and using it in my method. There exists one unquestionable truth. It says that no one has ever healed anyone. Neither medicine, nor us. When a person is ill, his imune system informs us that in a part of his body something's wrong. We are only the mechanics of the system. The moment the immune system starts functioning correctly, the body - which is a perfect factory - is able to create any kind of substance necessary for complete healing. That's why I repeat - our body heals itself.
Let's not call a vaccine a cure. All it does it provokes symptoms of disease to stimulate the immune system. Neither pharmeceuticals are a cure. We do not treat a disease, but only assist the immune system, which refused to cooperate. Three days after the premier of the documentary film 'Think About It', the President of Slovenia said on television: "Every one has a right to receive a treatment in the way he or she desires" - allowing this way the differsity of approaches.