Saturday, August 23, 2008


It is impossible to describe how much I got from the Domancic Seminar in Slovenia! I took 30 pages notes! The knowledge was amazing. And - when you witness the people, who come for treatment from all over the world - you live the Clinic so thrilled! You have confidence in the Method. You know it works, 'cause you've seen people walking off wheel-chairs, children being healed, people getting better - just over four days! You can talk to the patients how they feel before the sessions and after.
And - above everything - you get to meet Zdenko and his therapists. When they are treating people, we students were sited all around the clinic and observing We felt how the Energy works - in our bodies. It was very cleansing for us as well. Life-changing experience. I will definitely go there again. The good thing is that once you train in Slovenia once, you can attend the Seminar free of charge for the next 10 years. That's cool. :)
Pawel Pylka, Domancic Therapist, Poland