Several cameras have taken photos during Domancic Therapy done in different place, by different therapists and on patients with different conditions. We have noticed many colourful orbs and shapes of light appearing during the session. And - their appearance has visibly intensified during the session. It has been weak at the start and - at the end of the 15 minute treatment - we can see on photographs there are a lot of shapes, colors, orbs - beaming forth all around the therapist and the patient. This is keeps appearing only on digital photography. It seems digital cameras are sensitive enough to register these subtle frequencies. (Above: child therapy in Poland. Photo by M. Fon)
Interestingly, this phenomena has been reported all over the world. And - caught the interest of science. Recently, the first international conference was held in Sedona, AZ on the theme. Dr Klaus Heineman, a former professor of the University of Stanford and today - a researcher at NASA Institute, has documented these orbs on digital photography using various equipment and collected an impressive material. Though, sceptical at the beginning, today he is of the opinion:
- Those are not part of dust on the lens, as we would normally assume. The orbs of energy keep appearing on many cameras, in many conditions of dim or bright light. The only constant is that the subject photographed was an energy healer.
Dr Heineman states that should this evidence by scientifically validated, humanity will have received the most vivid proof of other forms of life existing parallel to our reality. He has concluded that he is observing an higher dimensional intelligence - more subtle, and marked by more rapid frequency of light.
In defense of this bold statement made by an academic, Professor William Tiller from Stanford University, who a physicist who for the last 35 years has been studying consciousness of matter, states that what we see with our eyes in only 10 percent of the universe. Klaus Heineman explains that we do not see radio-waves and yet radio works; human eyes can't perceive ultra-violet or ultra-red frequencies.
This sounds understandable. However - 'intelligent life-forms'?
Professor Micheal Ledwith, former president of the Maynooth College at the University of Ireland, explains:
- These orbs of energy have always been here. They are part of our day-to-day reality. Their world might be just as real, as ours. There was time when we were not aware of bacteria. We didn't know bacteria exists until someone has showed them to us under microscope. Today's technology broadens our awareness.
More - read the article in Britsh Sunday Times: