The country men of Zdenko Domancic - Croats exchange information about the famous people he has treated as patients. The volleyball players in the national representation Ivano Balic and Vedran Zrnic, ski slalom champions Nika Fleiss and Ana Jelusic. It is thanks to Domancic that they had returned to sports after a number of contusions. When asked about famous people, he answers: "Rich and poor, known and unknown - they come and they all have one thing in common; they seek help." Their symptomologies are different. Lack of sensation in the lower limbs, cramps, paralysis, kidney disfuction, diabeties, urological and neurological problems. They come from all over the world. From France, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Israel... When it comes to health - distance has no significance.
After 10 minutes of therapy the pain is over.
Is the therapy effective? The answer can be given by a million people, who during the last 30 years have been healed by Zdenko Domancic. Only for the last 13 years of work - at the Clinic in Kranjska Gora (financed by the Slovenian Government). Over 100 thousand people have received the treatment. The answer to this question is known also to the 150 people, who in front of our eyes are receiving the therapy now. Some of them are not here for the first time. Mihael Vedric was brought here by his mother. 28 years ago he was born with a microbrain damage. Today, fully healthy he participates in the seminar for therapists. He wants to help others with the method that once healed him. Gerard from Germany couldn't eat and drink by himself due to Alzheimers. After the first day of therapy by his own, he takes the glass to his lips. After five days, he says to us with a smile: "The quality of my life grew unimaginably." A young mother from Zagreb is here the second time. The results of tests on her children, after only one session, have been much better.
Each month in Kranjska Gora starts from an established pattern. Circa 900 people arrive here from all over the world. They live in hotels nearby. Experiencing 4 days of treatments. Later, they return to their homes. And perform medical tests. Blood analysis, USG, RTG, EKG, EEG, and many other tests. All to document fully their return to health.