Martyna Fon: The results of your Method have been demonstrated already in 1984, in Zagreb, Yugoslavia, where you treated 300 patients with humid gangrene (gangrena humida) - before the amputation of limbs....
Zdenko Domancic:
- A special scientific commission was then set up - including outstanding lawyer and doctors. I proved beyond a shadow of a doubt the effectiveness of my method. Thank to it, all the patients avoided they limbs being amputated. Unfortunately, though the results were evident, nobody volunteered to regularly apply my method in such cases! Is it humanitarian to condemn a man to a handicap? Make it impossible for him to function normally?
Here, in Slovenia, my healing is treated completely differently. A document has been published by Slovenian government (Ministry of Education), in which it is written that my way of treatment rests deeply in the interest of our nation. It is about health, prevention and care. It has been made possible for me not only to use my knowledge, but also share it with those, who want to help others. Now, I want to make it possible for them to work legally. Associations of complementary therapists are to be formed. As part of this legalization, people who prove their effectiveness in their practice - will be able to train and give licence.
When a person is ill - the most important is the result of the treatment, not the method. If the conventional medicine has not helped, and other therapy brings excellent results - why not follow the way? For the person, who is ill, it doesn't matter the way he or she will get better. What matters is the effect.