Sunday, August 24, 2008


People are moving in front of us. They get up and come to the therapist. He is already waiting for them. Soft music place in the background. Conversations go on silently and don't bother anyone. We are relaxed. Observing. There is a 150 people in the room: mothers with children, couples, sportsmen, medical doctors, directors, actors... All came here to Kranjska Gora with one purpose only - to experience the therapy of Zdenko Domancic.
The country men of Zdenko Domancic - Croats exchange information about the famous people he has treated as patients. The volleyball players in the national representation Ivano Balic and Vedran Zrnic, ski slalom champions Nika Fleiss and Ana Jelusic. It is thanks to Domancic that they had returned to sports after a number of contusions. When asked about famous people, he answers: "Rich and poor, known and unknown - they come and they all have one thing in common; they seek help." Their symptomologies are different. Lack of sensation in the lower limbs, cramps, paralysis, kidney disfuction, diabeties, urological and neurological problems. They come from all over the world. From France, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Israel... When it comes to health - distance has no significance.
After 10 minutes of therapy the pain is over.
Is the therapy effective? The answer can be given by a million people, who during the last 30 years have been healed by Zdenko Domancic. Only for the last 13 years of work - at the Clinic in Kranjska Gora (financed by the Slovenian Government). Over 100 thousand people have received the treatment. The answer to this question is known also to the 150 people, who in front of our eyes are receiving the therapy now. Some of them are not here for the first time. Mihael Vedric was brought here by his mother. 28 years ago he was born with a microbrain damage. Today, fully healthy he participates in the seminar for therapists. He wants to help others with the method that once healed him. Gerard from Germany couldn't eat and drink by himself due to Alzheimers. After the first day of therapy by his own, he takes the glass to his lips. After five days, he says to us with a smile: "The quality of my life grew unimaginably." A young mother from Zagreb is here the second time. The results of tests on her children, after only one session, have been much better.
Each month in Kranjska Gora starts from an established pattern. Circa 900 people arrive here from all over the world. They live in hotels nearby. Experiencing 4 days of treatments. Later, they return to their homes. And perform medical tests. Blood analysis, USG, RTG, EKG, EEG, and many other tests. All to document fully their return to health.


The life of Zdenko Domancic hasn't been always easy. He's gone through a long way to gain recognition among doctors of academic medicine. Today, confident in his work, he says to all doubting Thomases: "In any moment I am ready to submit myself to all possible tests, which are going to validate the effectiveness of my method."
In order to receive the permission to work with bioenergy in Slovenia, Domancic had to submit his method to rigorous tests at the BION Institute. The tests were meant to prove that his method not only does no harm, but indeed is helping. Domancic went one step further. He decided to provide the results of the research on the most difficult cases - the treatment of cancer patients - to the Oncology Department at the Medical Institute in Lubljana. Because we are dealing with a method, Domancic eagerly shares his knowledge with others and passes it on, during seminars. Among the therapists working in Kranjska Gora are Stipe - Domancic' son, as well as Alan Gregor - the former national team basketball player. When asked whether all therapists are equally effective as himself, Domancic replies: "It is not my energy. I am only using it in a capable manner; using a method that everyone can learn. Once learnt, the Method is always effective. I believe, it would be unhumanitarian to keep such knowledge to oneself. I have fought for this method, to give it my name. Now, I am proud that everyone can use it. Everyone, who feels the right motivation can learn it and deploy it in individual practice." He then adds: "I have perfected the Method over 30 years. People interested in training must fullfil two basic criteria: they must be healthy and they must have a bit more good than evil."


Martyna Fon: The results of your Method have been demonstrated already in 1984, in Zagreb, Yugoslavia, where you treated 300 patients with humid gangrene (gangrena humida) - before the amputation of limbs....

Zdenko Domancic:
- A special scientific commission was then set up - including outstanding lawyer and doctors. I proved beyond a shadow of a doubt the effectiveness of my method. Thank to it, all the patients avoided they limbs being amputated. Unfortunately, though the results were evident, nobody volunteered to regularly apply my method in such cases! Is it humanitarian to condemn a man to a handicap? Make it impossible for him to function normally?
Here, in Slovenia, my healing is treated completely differently. A document has been published by Slovenian government (Ministry of Education), in which it is written that my way of treatment rests deeply in the interest of our nation. It is about health, prevention and care. It has been made possible for me not only to use my knowledge, but also share it with those, who want to help others. Now, I want to make it possible for them to work legally. Associations of complementary therapists are to be formed. As part of this legalization, people who prove their effectiveness in their practice - will be able to train and give licence.
When a person is ill - the most important is the result of the treatment, not the method. If the conventional medicine has not helped, and other therapy brings excellent results - why not follow the way? For the person, who is ill, it doesn't matter the way he or she will get better. What matters is the effect.


Martyna Fon: How did you start healing people?

Zdenko Domancic:
It's a very long story. The experience alone is not yet knowledge. Gaining experience takes time and requires a lot of patience. At the start, for a long time nothing is happening. All we have is a lot of puzzles, thrown here and there, and they do not make any sense. But a moment comes and an invisible hand finally starts to put all in place. It's a process, if there is patience, the final result can be a surprise.
I have learnt a lot during my journeys around the world and thank to the contact with people, who I met at this time. Once, I met an African shaman. I witnessed, how he saved a man, who was bitten by a viper. According to our knowledge, he had only few more hours to live. After the treatment however, he simply got up and left! As if nothing had happened. And the most interesting was that the shaman didn't really know what he was doing. I spent a lot of time with him. It was he, who helped me to realize that not everything needs to be understood, analyzed, explained - in order for it to be working.
Today, I have students all over the world. Many of them have already managed to do a lot of good. My method has nothing to do with medicine. And the representatives of medicine cannot arbitrate in my cause. They wouldn't be credible. My method is verified by chemists, physicists, cybernetists and psychologists. It requires an interdisciplinary treatment. The results of this verification are always positive - even there, where conventional medicine leaves no hope. Soon, all the European Union is going to officially acknowledge my method.


Martyna Fon: Should people talk about themselves during the therapy?

Zdenko Domancic: I do not allow it to my patients. A basic information about their symptoms and medical diagnosis is sufficient. Why? Because these people have already talked before with their doctors and it did not lead them to healing. I do not want to burden myself and my therapists needlessly, 'cause every thought spoken is energy. We do not any details. The moment a patient has a subjective feeling that his condition has improved, anyways he will go to his doctor and will be able to discuss as much as he wants. It is exactly on the level of results before and after the treatment that the trust to my method is built.


Martyna Fon: How many people have so far benefited from the Domancic Method? Where do they come from?

Zdenko Domancic: During the 30 years of practice, I have helped over a million people. Groups come from Hong Kong, India, Australia, Israel and Poland... I have guests from all over the world. After so many years of treating people, the results are irrelevant to me, because I am certain about effectiveness. I expect them. I know what to do and I do my best that the level of the results would remain high or grow even higher. I do not have a particular talent. It is about perception with which I approach the laws of nature and using it in my method. There exists one unquestionable truth. It says that no one has ever healed anyone. Neither medicine, nor us. When a person is ill, his imune system informs us that in a part of his body something's wrong. We are only the mechanics of the system. The moment the immune system starts functioning correctly, the body - which is a perfect factory - is able to create any kind of substance necessary for complete healing. That's why I repeat - our body heals itself.
Let's not call a vaccine a cure. All it does it provokes symptoms of disease to stimulate the immune system. Neither pharmeceuticals are a cure. We do not treat a disease, but only assist the immune system, which refused to cooperate. Three days after the premier of the documentary film 'Think About It', the President of Slovenia said on television: "Every one has a right to receive a treatment in the way he or she desires" - allowing this way the differsity of approaches.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


It is impossible to describe how much I got from the Domancic Seminar in Slovenia! I took 30 pages notes! The knowledge was amazing. And - when you witness the people, who come for treatment from all over the world - you live the Clinic so thrilled! You have confidence in the Method. You know it works, 'cause you've seen people walking off wheel-chairs, children being healed, people getting better - just over four days! You can talk to the patients how they feel before the sessions and after.
And - above everything - you get to meet Zdenko and his therapists. When they are treating people, we students were sited all around the clinic and observing We felt how the Energy works - in our bodies. It was very cleansing for us as well. Life-changing experience. I will definitely go there again. The good thing is that once you train in Slovenia once, you can attend the Seminar free of charge for the next 10 years. That's cool. :)
Pawel Pylka, Domancic Therapist, Poland


At the beginning, I didn't want to go!
I didn't want to heal people. "I am a business-woman, not a 'healer'" - I thought to myself. But a friend invited me a long with the group, so I went. And - there something turned inside me. I was always into spirituality and personal development, always open to alternative methods and therapies, but now - I find myself practicing one!! Being in Slovenia has changed me. When Zdenko, Stipe and the other therapists treated people, I felt the energy running through my body. I have received a lot of treatments there myself too - during the training. Then - upon returning - I have been cleansing for over a month. I have felt symptoms of cleanse in my body and also witnessed a lot of changes in my personal, professional life. It was challenging, but now - I am full speed unto a new direction in life. I still continue my professional career. In fact - just got a better job! But - in my free time, I treat my family, my friends, and - recently I have treated a CAT!! My friend brought the kitten to my office, placed it on my desktop. And - what was I to do. I gave the kitten four sessions in a row. Now, I hear it is recovering fast - jumping! :)
Alina Kummer, Domancic Therapist, Poland

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Several cameras have taken photos during Domancic Therapy done in different place, by different therapists and on patients with different conditions. We have noticed many colourful orbs and shapes of light appearing during the session. And - their appearance has visibly intensified during the session. It has been weak at the start and - at the end of the 15 minute treatment - we can see on photographs there are a lot of shapes, colors, orbs - beaming forth all around the therapist and the patient. This is keeps appearing only on digital photography. It seems digital cameras are sensitive enough to register these subtle frequencies. (Above: child therapy in Poland. Photo by M. Fon)
Interestingly, this phenomena has been reported all over the world. And - caught the interest of science. Recently, the first international conference was held in Sedona, AZ on the theme. Dr Klaus Heineman, a former professor of the University of Stanford and today - a researcher at NASA Institute, has documented these orbs on digital photography using various equipment and collected an impressive material. Though, sceptical at the beginning, today he is of the opinion:
- Those are not part of dust on the lens, as we would normally assume. The orbs of energy keep appearing on many cameras, in many conditions of dim or bright light. The only constant is that the subject photographed was an energy healer.
Dr Heineman states that should this evidence by scientifically validated, humanity will have received the most vivid proof of other forms of life existing parallel to our reality. He has concluded that he is observing an higher dimensional intelligence - more subtle, and marked by more rapid frequency of light.
In defense of this bold statement made by an academic, Professor William Tiller from Stanford University, who a physicist who for the last 35 years has been studying consciousness of matter, states that what we see with our eyes in only 10 percent of the universe. Klaus Heineman explains that we do not see radio-waves and yet radio works; human eyes can't perceive ultra-violet or ultra-red frequencies.
This sounds understandable. However - 'intelligent life-forms'?
Professor Micheal Ledwith, former president of the Maynooth College at the University of Ireland, explains:
- These orbs of energy have always been here. They are part of our day-to-day reality. Their world might be just as real, as ours. There was time when we were not aware of bacteria. We didn't know bacteria exists until someone has showed them to us under microscope. Today's technology broadens our awareness.
More - read the article in Britsh Sunday Times:

Tuesday, August 12, 2008